by Dianne Gilmour | Apr 26, 2018 | Relationship, Solutions, Uncategorised
Have you ever been in that situation where you and your partner have had a bit of a spat, nothing serious but it didn’t feel good and now that you’ve both calmed down you’re ready to talk. You start first and you truly believe you’re...
by site administrator | Feb 16, 2018 | Relationship
“Go out on a DATE together?”, my clients say in almost perfect unison and in similar tones of poorly masked skepticism. “A DATE?? Together?? Just the two of us?? How?? Why??” Pay attention to what you, the reader, are thinking right now as you read the word...
by site administrator | Nov 21, 2017 | Break Ups, Relationship
Preface: The following isn’t gender, age, race or sexual orientation-specific. I refer to the client as ‘they’ and to the boyfriend/girlfriend as the ‘partner’. The First Call I get the call from the client, I can tell right away they’re fighting to keep themselves...
by site administrator | May 29, 2016 | Decisions, Relationship
I often get clients coming in who are at a crossroads in terms of whether or not they should leave their relationship – these clients generally come in on their own initially so we aren’t having this conversation in front of their partner. This of course creates a...